Tuesday, June 10, 2014

You're Out!

I think Colsen has decided to end his baseball career. He doesn't like it at all. Ashley and I just want to be those proud sports parents, but nope Colsen has other designs. He's played in just three games and he has cried about having to play in all three. I mean literally crying. For why? There's no crying in baseball!

What's the correct way to handle this? On the one hand we're the demanding parents that are forcing their kid to do something he doesn't like. On the other hand if we let him quit, are we setting a precedent for a life time of quitting and failure?

He's five. Maybe I'm overthinking it?

I played baseball when I was six. I'm pretty sure I cried because my mom bought me a black glove instead of a brown glove. I didn't play again until I was nine. So maybe he just needs time. Dang. And all I want out of life is to be the cool sideline parent with the superstar athlete kid. I guess I just have to settle for him being the superstar of my heart? 

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