Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pumpkin Fun

As part of my attempt to win father of the year, I have been embracing all that the autumn season has to offer. Since Halloween is coming up, this week's adventures have been pumpkin themed. First, our foray to the Swore Farms pumpkin patch. This was my first visit to a pumpkin patch. We were of course on the look out for the Great Pumpkin. I told Colsen about how the Great Pumpkin visits on Halloween bringing presents for all the good boys and girls. Since we didn't find the Great Pumpkin on our visit, Colsen keeps insisting we return to find him.

The purpose of the trip of course was to find awesome pumpkins to take home. By "awesome" I of course mean the first two pumpkins Colsen picked out among the massive heap of orange gourds.

Our next task was to turn our perfect pumpkins into jazzy jack o'lanterns. Colsen thought the insides of the pumpkins were gross and felt he could best help by taking pictures.

This was my first attempt at carving pumpkins. Learned some valuable lessons. Like, cut out the top in a way that it doesn't just fall into the pumpkin. And, get the proper tools so you don't have random knife cuts throughout your jack o'lantern's face. And, those guys who go beyond basic triangle eyes and square noses have way too much time on their hands. But in the end, I think we did okay for our first try.

Although, the other lesson I learned tonight was that whenever a 3 year old sees a candle, even if it's lighting up his awesome jack o'lantern, he will feel the urge to blow it out.