Monday, September 12, 2011

Um, What's Wrong with This Computer?

We recently bought a touch screen computer to replace our old desk top. This has been great because now Colsen can explore the interwebs on his own. I made him some bookmarks for Super Why and Caillou.

My concern though is that when he encounters computers outside of our home he's not going to know how to use them. He's just going to sit there tapping on the screen and asking, "Daddy, what's a mouse? "

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cereal Killer

Colsen felt it was necessary to line up all his little cereal boxes on the tv stand. Why put them in the kitchen? That's not convenient. Anybody want to guess how much cereal ended up all over the floor?
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Lightning McGoCart

The other day Colsen and I went out to Atomic City for the Saturday races. He was pretty excited at first while watching the go-carts. But when the stock cars came out it was a little too loud for him. He had to cover his ears and then he started to cry. Needless to say, we spent more time driving our car to the race track than we did watching cars at the race track. Oh well. Maybe next year.
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