Friday, November 26, 2010

I've Taught My Son Well

Today I was reading the sports page with Colsen on my lap. There was a picture from one of yesterday's football games on the page I was looking at. Colsen pointed at it and said, "Football!" On the opposite page was a picture from the Sacramento Kings game. "Basketball!" I can die happy now, knowing that I have taught my son what's important in life.
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Up, Up in the Air

Colsen went on his first plane ride yesterday. We flew from SLC to Oakland. We were on a Southwest flight (I think my first plane ride was Southwest) so we had to just find seats. I chose to sit next to some other people with kids, that way if Colsen got too annoying, maybe people would look at those kids instead of mine. We ended up getting a whole row to ourselves. Apparently no one wants to sit next to a baby.

The flight went well. I was expecting kicking and screaming, but didn't get any. He was content to sit on my lap and enjoy the trip. As we were landing he fell asleep watching the bay area lights from the window. Kind of nice to not be "that" parent for once.

Our next flight has a lay over. We'll see how that goes.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Locked Up

The other day Colsen locked his mother out of the house. Don’t worry we have those child guard things on the door knobs. Turns out though that they need to make some for the deadbolt as well as the knob. After about 10 minutes of giggling about the situation Colsen finally unlocked the door and let his mom in from the cold.
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Living in the Computer Age

When I was little, we didn't get our first home computer until I was about 5 years old. It was a sweet Apple IIC with a green screen. I played games like pong and really lame generic pac-man. These days kids have the whole world at their fingertips. Maybe Colsen will be playing intricate interactive games against kids in China by the time he's 3. Who knows? Maybe I'm thinking too small scale. Must be nice.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Footballs are for... eating?

I realize that my son is only 18 months old, but is it too early to be concerned that he is not very athletic? While he is good at throwing food at the dog, he doesn't quite get what he's supposed to do when he gets a ball in his hand. He does retrieve it if I throw it, but he doesn't throw back. Essentially, I've taught my son how to play fetch rather than catch. Maybe I'll try teaching him soccer.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Playing Indoors

It snowed today. After a weekend that included 60-70 degree weather. One of the issues I have with the change in weather is that now we have pretty limited choices when it comes to playing where we can stay warm and dry. We could go to McDonald's where we can also get fat. Or we can go to the mall. The mall is lame. I do appreciate all their rubber toys and equipment (quite the contrast from the questionable safety of outdoor playgrounds), but the mall is quite unexciting. Colsen wasn't even really into it. He had more fun playing with hangers at American Eagle. I guess we'll have to figure something out or it's going to be a long, boring winter (or cold and wet if we decide to play outside).
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Picking Your Nose

Is it bad that I don’t discourage Colsen from picking his nose? Is it bad to pick your nose? I don't really think so. I do it. You know you do it too.

Whenever Colsen picks his nose he feels that it is necessary to give it to me. "Caca," he calls it. Pretty much what he calls anything that I tell him is yucky. Is it bad for me to tell him to give it to the dog? What? Ollie likes it.
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Go Football!

The other day when we went to watch football, some guy made the comment, "Looks like he's going to be a Bengals fan." He'll yeah he's going to be a Bengals fan. I'm going to teach something about loyalty when it comes to your sports team. He's not going to be some bandwagon punk.
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